Welcome to the Opening the Book of Nature ministry web site.

This website is dedicated to the teaching, and the recovery of a Christian understanding of God's creation as a framework for a holy wisdom.

This is nothing new. Christians and Jews have long understood this. The Scriptures, early Christians, the saints and the reformers are often eloquent about the ability of wild nature to provide deep and potent spiritual instruction. Unfortunately, this legacy has largely been left in the past and most modern Christians, across all denominations, have lost touch with how God expresses himself through creation. Our technology and hurried pace have separated us from the spiritual lessons in nature.

The 'Opening the Book of Nature' (OBN) ministry will help you reconnect to the Christian tradition of gaining spiritual instruction through creation.

OBN weekend 'explorations' use periods of private prayer and reflection alternating with group process to produce a blend of low key instruction, personal experience, group discussion and sharing. A unique learning process emerges which helps each person to share in the personal discoveries made by others, to learn from one another's insights and experiences, and to go on into a more effective ability to discern lessons in creation. As we progress through the weekend, the centrality of Jesus Christ and the importance of the Scriptures becomes more obvious. This method works regardless of a person's background, educational level, denomination or assumptions about religion.

You are invited to participate in an OBN event.

When Jesus began His ministry, He didn't spend forty days in the synagogue.
Instead He went to the wilderness.

Likewise, Christians in every century have found spiritual nurture through wilderness and you can too.

Continue through the other pages of this site to learn more.

God bless you in your visit to this site.

Fred Krueger