Evil will prevail and Satan will win if we do not confront evil. Every day I see good Christians and persons of other faiths watching as their bosses, family members, acquaintances, employees, political leaders, and others commit terrible atrocities against other people, against Creation, and against even themselves without rebuking them for their errant ways. Satan laughs, dances, and is estatic when good people witness evil and do nothing. Satan and evil will eventually destroy God's Creation and us along with it if we close our eyes and ignore the evil around us. When I was just a child of twelve years of age or so I saw a photograph in our local newspaper of the butcher at our local grocers standing over a pile of dead herons and egrets. I immediately went to the grocery store and rebuked this man before God and the patrons of the store for his evil and corrupt ways. I then confronted the local newspaper for making him out to be a hero for killing God's beautiful birds and rebuked them for not reporting him to the authorities rather than making him look like a macho hunter. After that, the word was out that if you killed any of God's beautiful herons or egrets, a child would rebuke you in public. Do not be afraid to confront evil. If you know that your boss is promoting a pesticide which is unnecessary and may cause cancer or birth defects, confront him. If he refuses to repent, expose him for in so doing you are exposing Satan. Satan exposed and rebuked is Satan wounded and with the help of others, destroyed. GOD WANTS YOU TO CONFRONT EVIL WHEREVER YOU SEE IT. FEAR NOT FOR THE LORD IS WITH YOU. ETHICIUS I | How you can Help Contact Us Related Sites Confront Evil is sponsored by BibleLands.com. |