America has become a NATION OF ADDICTS. We have turned away from spiritual values and whored our bodies, minds, and souls to a plethora of addictions. When we think of addict most of us think of some junkie shooting up under a freeway bridge. Our nation has become so addicted to so many things that we are in total denial and blind to our own dangerous addictions. Following is a listing of just a few American addictions: GAS GUZZLERSWe are addicted to gas guzzling SUVs, huge trucks that carry nothing but the egos of urban cowboys, and every conceivable gas consuming gadget with which to pollute America. PRESCRIPTION DRUGSWe take pills to go to sleep, pills to wake up, pills to feel good, pills for energy, pills to lose weight, pills to be able to have sex. We are a nation of pill poppers. JUNK FOODWe do not seem to be happy unless we individually consume enough chemical laced junk food to feed a Third World family. After we load our bodies with fat to the point we can barely move except to pop a diet pill, we purge in order to make room for the next greasy hamburger and saturated fries followed by an oversized milkshake made with 10% real milk. CLOTHESWe dont feel like real Americans unless we stuff our closets, attics, and storage sheds with dozens of pairs of shoes, hundreds of designer shirts, blouses, skirts, fancy drawers, pants, jackets, coats and accessories. Even if we have never worn even once, some of the items in our closets, we are compelled by our addiction to shop until we drop. DEBTAmericans dont seem to be happy unless they are deep in debt to credit card usurers. When the prime interest rate is 5%, they happily feed their debt addiction at the rate of 21% and then whine because there isnt enough money to send Sally and Johnny to college. VANITYAmericans have become the most vain people on earth. Vast sums of money are squandered to tummy tucks, face lifts, cosmetics, tanning beds, hair gel and a thousand other products designed to appeal to this addiction which afflicts millions of vain Americans. GREEDWe are addicted in the most terrible way to our own greed. We are obsessed with making a quick buck no matter the consequences or ethics. We haunt the elderly like vultures, waiting for grandmaw to die so that we can squander what is left of her life savings. Money, money, money. We seem to love the accumulation of money more than life itself. These are just a few of the many addictions which have corrupted America and Americans. A hundred junkies under a bridge shooting up cause far less harm to the future of America and the world than our obsessions which are consuming the planet and thus making it unfit for human life in the future. AMERICA WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. WE MUST RETURN TO THE IDEALS UPON WHICH THIS NATION WAS FOUNDED. WE MUST PLACE SPIRITUAL VALUES, PERSONAL FREEDOM, AND THE QUALITY OF OUR LIVES BASED UPON THE NATURAL BEAUTY OF AMERICA, BEFORE BASING OUR SELF-WORTH ON HOW MUCH MONEY WE CAN ACCUMULATE AND SQUANDER. This patriotic message is brought to you by George H. Russell To be included on our member list, please send us an e-mail and provide the following information: Your name, address, and e-mail address. Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions. We would love to hear from you! How you can Help Click here to e-mail us! Related Sites Home |