Faith in the Creator is dying. We, his people, have begun to worship the graven images on hundred dollar bills, above God's image as reflected in the sparkling eyes of children, the whispering wind in the pines, the flight of an eagle, or the twinkling of the stars in God's heavens.

Faith has been corrupted by those who would have us believe that lip-service to impoverished faith will bring salvation. There are those who lead us to believe that declaring faith in God or Jesus or Moses is all that is necessary to obtain eternal life.

Do you honestly believe that God will honor those who declare empty faith while going about their daily lives of lying, cheating, stealing, and worshiping money? Actions speak louder than words. True faith can only be gained by meditation, communion with the spirit of God, unselfish prayer, and respect for God's gift of the Creation without which we would never have lived.

We must spread a new message of faith based upon honoring God by living as He would have us live. We must spread the message of love, charity, peace, understanding, and respect for God by respecting His Creation. Only when we have done these things will the true spirit of God enter our hearts and souls. Then we will know true faith and will be able spread the faith to all the world.

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