God has been listening to humankind for tens of thousand of years. From the very beginning of human prehistory, people have turned to God and have had faith that "GOD LISTENS".

"GOD LISTENS" to Christians, Jews, Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists and people of all religious backgrounds and all faiths. God even listens to people who call themselves atheists in their moments of despair.

As a child, sitting in the pews of the First Methodist Church of Huntsville, Texas, I can vividly remember the preacher telling the congregation that "GOD LISTENS'. God does indeed listen to all of HIS/HER children of all faiths in every corner of Planet Eden.

Since 1956, The Family Rosary organization has placed billboards in prominent locations in 134 cities across the United States with such simple messages of faith as "GOD LISTENS" which have been viewed an estimated 400 million times.

WWW.GOLDENRULEMINISTRIES.ORG is a worldwide ecumenical movement of faith, kindness, peace, understanding, and respect for God and Creation. We know in our hearts that "GOD LISTENS" to all who communicate with HIS/HER spirit.

The phrase "GOD LISTENS" belongs to all people of all faiths and all religions wherever they happen to reside on Earth. God does not listen to only a chosen sect, or religion, or race, or creed, or cult. "GOD LISTENS" to all, as it has forever been and forever shall be.

If you are lonely, "GOD LISTENS" to your prayers, to your heart, to your soul, and to your spirit.

If you need guidance, "GOD LISTENS".

If you are in despair, "GOD LISTENS".

If you were raised in the Jewish faith, "GOD LISTENS".

If you were raised in the Moslem faith, "GOD LISTENS".

No matter who you are; no matter where you are, no matter what the color of your skin, no matter what language you speak, no matter how much money you make, no matter at all-"GOD LISTENS", for you are one of God's special children and "GOD CARES".

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